A department that understands and demonstrates these eight tenants, is destined to enjoy the fruits of a positive working relationship with the community they are sworn to protect and serve.
- These tenants are the long-term stocks that are going to build your account balance in the bank of community trust.
Expert Witness Services
Expert witness services for Criminal Investigations, Police Operations, Internal Affairs Investigations and Police Accountability.
Call for a FREE consultation.
Training for Newly Promoted Sergeants and Lieutenants:
What do you think a Sergeant spends most of their time doing during a normal workday?
- Dealing with complaints (angry citizens)
- Dealing with problem employees (employee coaching)
- Resolving conflict (conflict resolution)
- De-Escalation to mitigate use of force and limit exposure to liability
We offer specific situational based training for all four of these important subject areas.
We believe that situational based training is the most effective way to prepare you for the obstacles that you will face each and every day while serving your community as a police or Sheriff Supervisor/Manager.
Law Enforcement Clients:
- Atlanta Police Department
- Dallas Police Department
- Houston Police Department
- Austin Police Department
- San Antonio Police Department
- Prince George’s County, MD. Police Department
- Anne Arundel County , MD. Police Department
- Charlotte- Mecklenburg Police Department
- Baltimore County, MD Police Department
- Boston Police Department
- Denver Police Department
- Nashville Metro Police Department
- New York City Police Department
- Orlando Police Department
- Philadelphia Police Department
- Saint Paul, MN Police Department
- Orange County Sheriff’s Office, FL
- Jacksonville Sheriff’s Office, FL
- Metro-Dade, FL Police Department
- Cleveland Police Department
- Tucson Police Department
- Metropolitan Police Department, St. Louis
- Metropolitan Police Department, DC
- Omaha Police Department
- New Orleans Police Department
- Little Rock, Police Department
- Harris County, Sheriff’s Office