If you are reading this, you have probably already begun preparing for your multiple-choice written exam. If you are a good student, did well in school and don’t struggle with tests then sit back and try to add a few tools to your studying toolbox. Now on the other hand, if you are like me and you were not a good student, didn’t know how to prepare for tests or take effective notes, this class is a life saver. Dr. Wayne Burroughs, Ph.D. developed this class based on over 40 years of scientific research on how adults learn and retain information. I found the techniques and information in this class to be very straight forward and easy to comprehend. It is important to keep in mind that the methods you are about to learn may seem time consuming, however with practice you will be processing information more efficiently and faster than you ever thought possible.
Before I begin any written test, oral board, or assessment center workshop, I talk to the candidates about “Getting Serious.” The cost of the textbooks, training workshops and the time spent studying away from family and friends is something you can never get back. I highly recommend you make a list of all the resource materials you need for studying and make a study schedule. There is a tremendous mental advantage each day in accomplishing what is on your schedule. This mental advantage turns into preparation momentum and self-confidence.
Our goal at Leadership Development Solutions is to help you be successful in your quest for promotion. If there is anything, I can do to assist you with getting promoted, please don’t hesitate to contact me at 240-882-9424 or email at Joe@LeadershipDevSolutions.com